Guhte gullá / Here to hear

Guhte gullá / Here to hear
Multi-channel video installation, 8:30 minutes, 2021

It’s an underground cave party! Young people dance to escape the angst of world destruction, summoning the aid of the forgotten Sámi earth deities Uksáhkká, Juoksáhkká and Sáráhkká. We are losing our connection with the earth and our ancestors who rest beneath the soil. It is time for us to reconnect with the sacredness deep within the earth.

In their work Guhte gullá / Here to hear, women of different generations listen to the voices of their foremothers through dance and duodji, traditional Sámi handicrafts. The mother-daughter relationship between Outi Pieski and Biret Haarla Pieski, Gáddjá Haarla Pieski chimes aptly with the theme of their first joint artistic collaboration. The space is filled with Tuomo Puranen’s ritual-beating electronic music and Mari Boine’s yoik, which invites us to change and pay attention to the foremothers’ message.

Directors: Biret Haarla Pieski, Gáddjá Haarla Pieski & Outi Pieski
Cinematographer, Editor: Mauri Lähdesmäki
Choreography: Biret Haarla Pieski, Gáddjá Haarla Pieski
Performers: Biret Haarla Pieski, Gáddjá Haarla Pieski
Music: Mari Boine, Tuomo Puranen
Sound Design: Pekka Aikio
Costume Designer: Auri Lukkarinen, Outi Pieski
Film Assistant: Maria Duncker
Sound recording: Svein Schultz
Commissioned by HAM/Helsinki Biennial 2021 
Thank you: Teuri Haarla, P.A.R.T.S – Performing Arts Research and Training Studios, Angel Films.

12 JUN – 26 SEP Helsinki Biennial 2021

photo: Maija Toivanen/HAM/Helsinki Biennial
photo: Mauri Lähdesmäki
photo: Mauri Lähdesmäki
photo: Maija Toivanen/HAM/Helsinki Biennial